Wednesday, February 25, 2009

If i were a teacher

If I were a teacher, I would be able to adopt and adapt the skills that I have learned for my future lessons. I would adapt them with paying full attention in my lecture and tutorial classes. For me, the most vital skill would be the listening skill. As a future teacher, we should listen attentively in class. You don’t only listen, but you as well should be able to interpret the meaning by your own. You should be able to decode the sound into meaning.
Not only that, we can also acquire many beneficial thing when you are listening in a lecture or tutorial. It is because it is considered as ‘live presentation’ whereby whatever that was being taught won’t be repeated unless you record it. As a future teacher, we should be flexible to acquire any knowledge anywhere and anytime.

Oedipus Rex

Oedipus Rex was the first play that was being introduced to us. While reading this play, I had a very hard time in understanding the dialogues as it was written in very high English. Would I interpret the content differently? That was the question that struck most of our minds. I was eager on how would the difference be between my interpretation and my lecturers interpretation.
Oedipus Rex is a story of a king who was born with a curse. In this play, the themes contrast to each other, sight and blindness, wisdom and ignorance.
As I read the play, I had hard time with the language being used. However, after discussing the play in the class, I have a clearer picture of what is the play is all about. At first, I was wondering why was Oedipus so clueless about the killer and why he wanting to kill his own father. There was also a question of why did Oedipus get the idea that Creon is the one who killed King Laios, while Teiresias on the other hand openly blamed Oedipus for the murder.
I would definitely would have interpreted the content differently if it was not being discussed. After the lecture, the knowledge is definitely in my finger tips.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Writing a Script

My very first assignment for this EDU 3217 course was writing a script for one act play within 15minutes of time frame. I felt this was a thrilling experience for me as this is the first time me writing a script for one act play. My partner and i had a great time cracking our mind and looking for writing a great dialogue. We created the story of "The Unreached Love" of a boy and how he went through it. The feeling of writing our own script was marvellous whereby we can create our own characters, settings and especially the story line. The best part was having our own resolution for the story. Our first draft have been submitted and i'm looking forward for the feedback and the improvements that can be made. Thank you in advance Dr. Edwin.

First class of Drama

I was actually looking forward for this drama class. After going through short story class with Dr. Edwin, i was expecting for more challenges in this class. From the name drama itself plays a thousand role. After getting the course outline, i wasn't shock at all to see the assignments that all of us need to do. With the 5 plays that we will be reading for this course, King Lear is the one that captures my attention. I'm having a hard time to get the book whereby all the stores are running out of stock of that book. A demandable item due to the intolerable circumstances. The first thing that i went through in the class was the overview of the history of theatre. There are also types of dramas that we went through. After all the explanation, my mind is very clear on what will be taught to us in this class.